Vietnam basic information -

Vietnam basic information

Vietnam Socialist Republic, basic data
Last update date: May 1, 2017
CountryVietnam Socialist Republic
Major citiescapitalHanoi (Ha Noi)
Municipalities directly under the central government (5 cities)Hanoi (Ha Noi), Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang, Hai Phong, Can Tho
Main characterCommunist Party SecretaryNguyen Phu Trong
Country presidentTran Dai Quang
Prime MinisterNguyen Xuan Phuc
Speaker of parliamentNguyen Thi Kim Ngan
Deputy prime ministerTruong Hoa Binh
Pham Binh Minh
Trinh Dinh Dung
Nguyen Duc Dam
politicalCongressUnicameral system
Number of seats500 seats
ParliamentarianNguyen Thi Kim Ngan
Political partyCommunist Party
Population-relatedpopulation89,756,758 people (estimated September 2013)
Population composition0-14 years 26.1% (2013 estimate)
15-64 years old 68.3% (2013 estimate)
65 years old and over 5.6% (2013 estimate)
Population growth rate1.137% (2013 estimate)
birthrate17.73 people per 1,000 people (2013 estimate)
Death rate5.89 per 1,000 people (2013 estimate)
At birth 1.113 / 1 (2013 estimate)
Under 15 years old 1.1 / 1 (estimated in 2013)
Gender ratio (male / female)15-64 years old 0.99 / 1 (2013 estimate)
65 years old and over 0.62 / 1 (2013 estimate)
Average 0.99 / 1 (estimated in 2013)
Infant mortalityMale: 22.64 people per 1000 people (2013 estimate)
21.84 per 1000 women (2010 estimate)
Average 22.64 people per 1000 people (2009 estimate)
Life expectancyMale 69.24 years (2010 estimate)
Female 74.45 years (2010 estimate)
Average 71.71 years (2010 estimate)
Literacy rateMale 95.8% (2003)
Women 92.3% (2003)
Average 94% (2003)
The number of children a woman has in her lifetime1.93 (2013 estimate)
Number of people living with HIV / AIDS290,000 (2007)
HIV / AIDS deaths24,000 (2007)
Ethnic compositionKin (Bet) 86.2%, Tai, Thai,
Muon, Khmer, Chinese, Hmong, etc.
religionBuddhism, Christianity (mainly Catholic, part
Protestant), Hoa Hao, Cao Dai, Islam, etc.
languageVietnamese (official language), English, French,
Chinese, Khmer, etc.
National budgetrevenue$ 21.15 billion (2009)
Annual expenditure$ 29.18 billion (2009)
TradeExport value$ 56.98 billion (2009)
Major export itemsCrude oil, sewing products, footwear, marine products, rice, wood products,
Electronic products, coffee, natural rubber, coal …
Major export destinationsAmerica 21.43%, Japan 11.44%, Australia
4.43%, China 7.27% (2009)
Import amount$ 77.61 billion (2008)
Major imported itemsMachinery / equipment, petroleum products, fertilizer, steel products,
Cotton, grain, cement, bike …
Major import destinationsChina 21.3%, Singapore 11.7%, Japan 10.4%,
South Korea 7.4%, Thailand 6.6% (2008)
Foreign currency reserve$ 23.18 billion (as of December 31, 2008)
External debt balance$ 23.09 billion (as of December 31, 2008)
Amount of financial assistance received$ 5.4 billion (2008 paid and free)
By Yue Yu (Vietnamese Vietnamese)
Amount of remittance
$ 8 billion (2008), $ 5.5 billion (2007),
$ 4.5 billion (2006), $ 3.8 billion (2005)
GDPGDP (purchasing power parity)$ 256.9 billion (2009)
Real GDP growth rate5.3% (2009)
GDP per capita$ 102.4 billion (2008)
GDP industry composition ratioAgriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 21.3% (2009)
Mining and construction industry 40% (2009)
Service industry 38.7% (2008)
investmentForeign investment (FDI) amount$ 64,011 million (2008, authorization basis, new
And additional investment)
Electric powerElectricity production86,910 million Kwh (2009)
petroleumPower consumption74.55 billion Kwh (2009)
gasOil production (Nissan)338,400 barrels (2009)
Oil consumption (per day)302,000 barrels (2009)
Oil proven reserves4.7 billion barrels (as of January 1, 2009)
Natural gas production7.9 billion cubic meters (2009)
Natural gas consumption8.1 billion cubic meters (2009)
Natural gas confirmed reserves192.5 billion cubic meters (as of January 1, 2009)
LaborWorking population48.26 million (2009)
Unemployment rate6.5% (2009)
currencycurrencyVietnamese Dong (VND)
exchangeExchange rate (VND = 1USD)17740 (2009), 16548 (2008), 16119 (2007), 15983 (2006), 15746 (2005), 15510 (2003), 15280 (2002), 14725 (2001), 14168 ( the year of 2000)
Inflation24.4% (2008), 7% (20009)
communicationNumber of fixed telephone contracts13 million cases (2008)
Number of mobile phone contracts58 million cases (2008)
Internet users20.67 million (2008)
trafficRailway total extension2347km (2008)
Total road length256,000km (2009)
Total length of waterway17,7022km (2008)
Number of airports44 locations (2010)
MilitaryOrganizationPeople’s Army (Army, Navy, Air Force, Air Defense Force, Border Guard)
Military service obligation2 years from the age of 18 (2006)
Conscription populationMale 16-49 years old 25.4 million 2395 (2010 estimate)
Conscription-matching populationMale 16-49 years old, 2015
Military budgetN / A USD (2005)
Percentage of GDP2.5% (2005)